
Birthday Wishes

    • 4

      Total Items

    • 4


    • 105

      Floor Price

    • 15.0

      Volume Traded

    Birthday Wishes

    Here is a collection NFTs for Birthday Wishes

    Event Item Price From To Date
    List image Stone Age Birth Day Ritual 12022023 $1,102,660.19 sM6wew6Efx one year ago
    Sale image Stone Age Birth Day Ritual 5 $0.46 Leubuzzi sM6wew6Efx one year ago
    Minted image Stone Age Birth Day Ritual -- Leubuzzi one year ago
    List image Stone Age Birth Day Ritual 5 $0.46 Leubuzzi one year ago
    List image Arizona Desert Birthday Party 19012022 $1,743,783.04 eLZZSH8VLY one year ago
    Sale image Arizona Desert Birthday Party 5 $0.46 Leubuzzi eLZZSH8VLY one year ago
    Minted image Arizona Desert Birthday Party -- Leubuzzi one year ago
    List image Arizona Desert Birthday Party 5 $0.46 Leubuzzi one year ago
    List image Stone Age Cave Painting 20012023 $1,835,503.15 FmIJ0B8rZn one year ago
    List image Stone Age Cave Painting 5 $0.46 FmIJ0B8rZn one year ago

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