This house is used as an in-between space for the living and the dead to communicate. The line between life and death is blurred just enough to confuse the physical world with the spiritual one. Don't get to comfortable here, or you might get stuck here.

Spirit House 2

1 Available
This series was inspired by my love for spirits and haunted houses. I have always been inspired by haunted houses and places, and I absolutely love the metaphysical world. This series is a step into an in-between world; a place where the spirit world and the physical world can clearly communicate and where the line between life and death is blurred. But don't get comfortable here, whether dead or alive you cannot stay here forever.
  • Price

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Unit Price USD Unit Price Quantity
$109.42 $109.42 1
Event Price From To Date
List 109.424 $109.42 McKaylaBurdette one year ago

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