This collection is a visual representation of what it might look like if you locked the creative part of your brain inside of a cage. Vibrant colors are either shining or spilling out of each cage symbolizing the caged creativity breaking free.

Brain Locked 7

1 Available
Have you ever felt like you have so much inside of you just waiting to be expressed and seen, but you can't help but to feel held back by things so massive that it feels like the creative part of the brain has been locked in a cage? Mental blocks due to stress, trauma, and anxiety are very real and can make one feel very alone in the struggle to regain inspiration and motivation. This is a visual representation of what it might look like if one locked the creative part of their brain inside of a cage. Slowly leaking, spilling, and/or shining out through the bars of each cage longing to once again feel the freedom of true happiness.
  • Price

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$109.42 $109.42 1
Event Price From To Date
List 109.42 $109.42 McKaylaBurdette one year ago

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