
Julie Jimenez

  • @GeekMom
  • 0x7F75....f952b9
My upbringing in South Dakota along with coming from, not only an artistic family, but one entrenched in electronics made it easy for me to find harmony between both worlds.

I'm a baby boomer who is passionate about helping other seniors secure a bright future utilizing technology through the possibilities of crypto and/or NFTs.

Describe your style
I do a lot of AI generated art, some have handrawn artistic enhancements.

How did you get started?
Coming from an artistic family, I developed a love for drawing at an early age. First learning to draw with the help of my grandmother and father.

What motivates you?
Having the ability to utilize technology has really motivated me of late. I have always found drawing very soothing & calming. A place of peace.

Joined May 2022

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