
Negative Ecstasy

  • @negativeecstasy
  • GDC6ND....UMBBC4
I spent most of my life in New Zealand. My art contain elements of darkness, controversy due to an abusive/negative upbringing, as well as racism.
I want to express how life can be unfair at times but we should always strive to bring peace and harmony to this world.

Describe your style
Medium: Digital Art, Acrylic-based mixed media, Style: Pop Art, Expressionism, Theme: Existentialism, Fairness and Equality

How did you get started?
Majored Art & Design in Junior/High School, and 2 years in University before moving into Consumer and Moral Psychology.

What motivates you?
Most of my art revolves around Politics, Injustice, Racism, and Existentialism. Negative situations motivate me to create art that questions life.

Joined September 2022

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