
Fimi Flaunt

  • 224

    Total Items

  • 66


  • 0.01

    Floor Price

  • 2210.5681

    Volume Traded

Fimi Flaunt

A multi-chain community collection

Event Item Price From To Date
List image Coloursplash 0.14 $331.74 shadeezabuckley 3 months ago
List image Twinkle, Twinkle 0.11 $260.65 shadeezabuckley 3 months ago
List image Many Worlds, One Universe 0.12 $284.35 shadeezabuckley 3 months ago
List image Waters of Renewal 0.15 $355.43 shadeezabuckley 3 months ago
List image Many Worlds, One Universe 0.24 $568.69 shadeezabuckley 3 months ago
List image Clarity eye of wizardry 200 $18.34 Metal 5 months ago
List image Clarity eye of wizardry 200 $18.34 Metal 5 months ago
List image Airborne micro RFID 40 $3.67 weenfan 8 months ago
List image Airborne micro RFID 40 $3.67 weenfan 8 months ago
List image Waterfall MoonLit 2 $4,739.10 MaryDJ1 8 months ago

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